Sunday, November 6, 2016

Questionnaire #1

Hey guys! So, from my previous blog, I often posted questionnaires. They were more like tag questionnaires, and this time I didn't exactly get 'tagged', but a friend of mine from the states was passing this around. I thought it'd be a little fun to fill it out. 100 random questions! GO!

1. Who are you more like, your mom or your dad?
Definitely my mom. I look like her and sometimes I even act like her.

2. Favorite place to be?
I have a lot of favorite places. Right now, probably my bed. I'm not getting as much sleep as I used to anymore, so I really miss my bed lol.

3. When's your birthday and what age are you mistaken for?
My birthday is on October 2nd. People sometimes mistake me as a 19 year old, but other times they actually get my age right.

4. Is trust a big issue for you?
Yes it is. It really is.

5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently?
Not recently.

6. What are you excited for?
The new year! I know I say this every year now, but I'm ready for a brand new year. I don't know what to expect. I mean I'm a lot better and happier now. It's just that these last few years (especially this year after losing my dad) have been so stressful and traumatic that I feel like I really need something that will really, really, really change in a really, really, really good way.

7. What happened last night?
Last night was great! Actually the whole day was great, even though I was so tired and I looked so tired. Last night I had sushi with my squad.

8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted?
Yes~ honestly it's disgusting and not attractive at all. Please keep it classy.

9. Is confidence cute?
Beyond cute.

10. What is the last beverage you had?
Green tea.

11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?
A handful.

12. Do you want to get married?

13. What are you gonna do Saturday night?
I have work again, but afterwards I plan to chill with my friends.

14. What are you going to spend money on next?
Winter clothes maybe. It already feels like winter in Japan! It's freezing.

15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed?

16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months?

17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
My best friend.

18. The last time you felt broken?
Last month.

19. Are you starting to realize anything?
Yes. A lot of things.

20. Are you in a good mood?
Right now...yeah, just really tired.

21. Would you ever want to swim with sharks?

22. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s?
Yes. It's funny though, my dad's the American, yet he had smaller and darker colored eyes than my mom lolol. #asianeyes

23. What do you want right this second?
To visit my friends and family in the states. They always message me about when I'm coming to visit and it's hard to know when I can, but I really want to see everyone soon.

24. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy?
...lucky girl.

25. Is your current hair color your natural hair color?
Yes. I was born with an unusual color of red and brown mixed. Not a ounce of my mom's jet black hair color. #halfproblems

26. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?
No. I definitely need someone that could make me laugh. If there was no laughter involved, I don't think I could be happy with that person. What's the point of having a relationship with no laughter?

27. What was the last thing that made you laugh?
My students. They're so funny.

28. Do you really, truly miss someone right now?

29. Does everyone deserve a second chance?
Not everyone.

30. Honestly, do you hate the last boy/girl you were talking to?

31. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do?
Not that I know of...I don't think I'm that easy to read lol.

32. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda?

33. Listening to?
BTS - Blood Sweat & Tears

34. Do you ever write in pencil anymore?
Only when I'm studying.

35. Do you know where the last person you kissed is?

36. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Mmm...that's always a hard question lol. I guess it just depends. It could happen to anyone.

37. Who did you last call?
A friend.

38. Who was the last person you danced with?
A friend.

39. When was the last time you ate a cupcake?
A looooong time ago.

40. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today?
Sadly, no. I live too far from them.

41. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?
Yes hehe.

42. Who was the last person to call you?
A friend.

43. Do you sing in the shower?
Not as much as I did before.

44. Do you dance in the car?

45. Ever used a bow and arrow?

46. Do you think musicals are cheesy?
I'm honestly not a fan of musicals, but if it's a really good one that I happen to run into, then I wouldn't think it'd be cheesy.

47. Is Christmas stressful?
Finding presents can be, with all the stores being crowded. That's why I need to keep remembering to do it earlier.

48. Are you in Love?

49. Did you ever dream of a guy?
Recently I haven't.

50. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
A lawyer, singer, dancer, game designer, flight attendant and plenty more~

51. Do you believe in ghosts?
Yes. I saw one when I was a kid.

52. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
All the time.

53. Take a vitamin daily?
Not daily~ but I know I should.

54. Wear a bath robe?

55. What do you wear to bed?

56. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?

57. Nike or Adidas?

58. Cheetos or Fritos?
Cheetos. Hot cheetos! Those are something I really miss from the states.

59. Favorite Taylor Swift song?
I Knew You Were Trouble

60. Ever take dance lessons?

61. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
I actually think about that often...I don't mind what they'd profession in, but if they were an English teacher too, it'd be awesome.

62. Can you curl your tongue?

63. If you had to bring someone to your favorite spot, where would that be?
I don't specifically have a favorite spot when I have a lot of favorite spots...but probably somewhere in Kyoto.

64. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?

65. What is your favorite book?
Sherlock Holmes series.

66. Do you study better with or without music?
Without, because for me it's very hard to multitask when it comes to studying.

67. Ever been in love?

68. Who would you like to see in concert?
Many groups I want to see! But if I could throw one out there right now, I'd say ONE OK ROCK.

69. What TV series are you currently watching?
The Walking Dead! It just came back last month and now on season 7. It's so intense and I can't wait to watch more.

70. Tea or coffee?

71. Favorite type of cookie?
Chocolate chip cookie.

72. Can you swim well?
Not that well.

73. Ever won a contest? 

74. Are you patient?

75. Do you have any strange phobias?
Not really.

76. Do you believe in karma?

77. Are you happy with the person you've become?
Yes. I feel better about myself. I feel I'm expressing myself more.

78. What's the weather like right now?

79. What time is it?
As I'm typing this, it's 1:15PM.

80. Do you have any nicknames?
Tom, Tomi, Tom-Tom, Hitomi-chan, Hito-chan, Hitomin, Hicchi.

81. Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
I rarely hold a grudge, but when I do, I don't tend to hold it for that long. I'm a forgiving person...but you know, it also depends on the situation. If it's super bad, then I'd hold it for quite some time. I don't want to, but you know there are just some things that I can't get out of my head. And if it's hard to get out of my head, then it's obviously something that was pretty bad, unforgivable and traumatizing.

82. Do you save money or spend it?

83. Where were you yesterday?
Went shopping, went to the game center and had sushi with my friends.

84. What's your favorite animal?

85. What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
Be yourself. Because apparently that works for me, and I found it hard to believe.

86. What were you doing last night at 12AM?
Sleeping. I was exhausted.

87. You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?
Obviously save the dog. I don't even think at that split second I'd be thinking about my job. It'll kill me more if that dog were to die.

88. You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. 

a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die?
I'd probably tell one person. I feel it'd be too sad for people to know and having the people who care for me to know that and feel they can't do anything. I get so weak at the knees when people cry and knowing if the people I love knows of my situation, they'll act so differently and it'll be hard to keep in their emotions. I would hate to have to put them through that.

b) What do you do with your remaining days?
Spend it with my loved ones.

c) Would you be afraid?

89. Can insanity bring on more creativity?
Yes. I believe so.

90. Name three countries you would like to visit.
South Korea, Bangkok and England.

91. What was your best Halloween costume for Halloween?
Probably my Koan from Sailor Moon or Amber from Sucker Punch since the costume was so legit.

92. What’s your favorite holiday?
Halloween! That's a holiday, right...? Well it is to me.

93. Can you fake any accents?
I'm pretty good with a British and an Australian accent hehe~

94. Do you believe everything happens for a reason?

95. When did you go to your first funeral?
When I was in middle school. It was my first time ever going to a funeral. One of the best teachers had passed away.

96. What's your favorite season?
Fall season, definitely. I was born in fall after all.

97. Date someone older or younger?
Either one. But! They have to be a least a little close to my age. I know age is just a number, but I've experienced it before with someone who was far from my age and it wasn't a good experience. For me anyway, I felt there was a big difference between us because of our age. But yeah...never know.

98. If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?
Hmm...well it all depends on how our parents raised us, right? One thing I would change is to have made me a more loving person at the time. I'm loving now! But before, I just wasn't. And I think because my parents were never really affectionate to each other, it made my brother and I uncomfortable to be affectionate to our family and to other people.

99. House or apartment?
If it were just me living alone or if I were living with my boyfriend/husband, I would say apartment. If there were children, it'd probably be a house.

100. Do you have a collection of anything?
I've been trying so hard not to do collectables anymore, because I feel if I keep collecting, I'm only going to get rid of it eventually. I obviously collect makeup, but right now, every time I see something Suicide Squad related, I just can't help but buy it. Specifically anything with The Joker or Harley Quinn. I know a lot of people are crazy over it, and I'm usually not that person who joins in on the craziness. I can't say that I was in love with the movie, but those two characters -- I just love their character and their style. Of course I loved the original, but I also like their modern look. It's making me fall in love with The Joker all over again.

That's all there is to this questionnaire. There will be more to come in the near future. Fill free to try it out yourself!


  1. Nice! It's nice of you to open up like this. It takes courage to open up. You're an interesting person - one of a kind. Your unique attributes attract all kinds of attention, and open doors to places you never thought of.

    You're special - Don't change (too much! ;D).

    If I wasn't a superhero, I might try the questionnaire myself! Lol

    Much love to ya ~ Take care!

    1. Omg, Gerardo-san! Thank you so much. (T-T)
      Your words are so touching~~~ but then again, you are always so wise.
      Haha, well if you ever get that chance to fill in a questionnaire, I would love to read about it!


  2. Tomi! You are back to blogging! I just found out! Big Yay!! Great post, I'll make sure to follow the next ones! xx

    1. Yes! Just getting back into it very slowly though. ^^ I'm glad you commented, so that way I found your blog again! Thank you. Now I can follow too hehe~

